30 Ekim 2015 Cuma
Personal expectations from a technology integrated teaching
When I will start teaching, I will be able to achieve the level of authentic adoption in technology integration in my opinion. Actually, I am not an advanced user of technology in my daily life. I have some difficulties in complying with the technology. The reason why I slog on dealing with it is that I did not pass an technology integrated educational system in my previous secondary or high school years not all that. However, thanks to the facilities of the university and newly gained approaches push me to be integrated with it. Now, I have recognized that new generation and their learning style are totally different from mine, and I have to be engage with it as a prospective teacher. In ELT department, We have some courses in which we are doing microteachings. In our microteachings, we have to use some methods and some integrated skills for our learners.The most important point in our teachings is our teaching materials. They should be interesting. Our students should be able to associate the materials with the real life. Briefly, we have to choose authentic materials for our students. I think guided use of technology is what I can achieve in my class. For instance, I can use an authentic listening text such as a hotel reservation in a while-listening activity or for techniques of top-down, bottom-up. However, I can face with some problems during this integration.
Facilities of the school is really important for this process. If the teacher does not have enough option of technology in the class, then the intention of the integration might not be achieved successfully. For example, the teacher cannot use a CD player all the time in the class where there is no computer. The teacher cannot use cyclopes in the class where there is no projector. So, the lack of facilities can paint into a corner the teachers.
Furthermore, the personalities of the students should be taken into account. Technology integration encourages the students' collaborative skills instead of competitive ones with communicative activities via the softwares or some useful websites on the Internet. However, some students might not want to work as a group. Some of them might be shy or some might think that they are better at individual works. Then, the teacher should overcome these personal obstacles. If I have such problems in my class, I firstly comfort my students by modelling each easy activity and then incorporating them into the techniques. When they see themselves achieving the tasks, then they will be encouraged. Without using technology in the class, both teachers and students fall behind the world. The world has been changing with the technology. Teachers should bring their students up by keeping up with all the other students in the world.
22 Ekim 2015 Perşembe
21 Ekim 2015 Çarşamba
Different Digital Literacies
Differences in time period cause different perception of technology between distinct generations. When I start to teach, I will probably face with some different digital literacies of my students from mine because all of us are in such a digital world that everything in any branches such as education, business or engineering is changing day by day thanks to the use of technology, and new generations are being grown up with the exposure of those changes in the 21th century. Thus, teachers have to be prepared to be engage with the technology use in their classes and integrate it to their lesson plans. A number of teachers choose to teach how they learnt in their education life. However, this era is totally different from which was in 90s or even the very beginning of the 21st century, so the class which is in front of the teachers is not the same as the class they sit together as a student. For instance, students do not check an unknown word from their pocket dictionaries because there is another easy way to find the meaning of that word with more detailed explanations which can be accessed via the Internet with the use of their cell phones, tablets or electronic dictionaries. If the teacher wants them to check unknown words from pocket dinctionaries, then students might be shocked and find this request really absurd because they have a chance to reach them in an easier way, so the perception of the teachers should be on the same path with their students.
Resisting to be obsessed to the traditional teaching with really old-fashioned methods and tools cannot live anymore together with the unprecedented learning style of students. Whatever is not new is not acceptable in this day and age. The main reason why the students start to learn with interactive whiteboard, computers instead of handwriting what is on the blackboard is technology and digital world. While the world has been changing, we cannot be stick to the older teaching styles. Cutting-edge technology use in learning and teaching area is a must today because the experience of technology usage in learning process with the same digital literacies contibutes to the rest life of the students positively such as in business. Technology enhances the students while they are learning, so it triggers them to think more and develop their creativity. These criterias are required for the life like in world class.The world has being changing and teachers should be a bridge to make students access this changing world thanks to the technology.
When I think about my students, I just put myself into their shoses, and it pushes me to remember the conditions of learning in my primary and secondary school such as availibility of digital tools and facilities of digital resources. Actually, I did not learn with computers, projectors. However, I know that the class environment is really different now. Schools try to provide accessibility to digital resources for the students. I completely support this effort, but still telephone use in the class is not very appreciative because students sometimes lose their attention to the lesson and start to text someone via whatssapp or check the notifications on facebook with their smartphones. It is not something happening certainly, but mostly they are doing this. I think tablets which are provided by the school can be used to reach any information instead of smartphones.
15 Ekim 2015 Perşembe
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